The Cross-Country "Hobo Fiddle" Cigar Box Guitar
Early in the summer of 2021, I embarked on a two-week 8,400-mile solo journey around America by train. This adventure was equal parts post-modern walkabout, mid-life crisis, and long-awaited escape after two years of COVID lockdowns.My sole companion throughout this momentous journey was my trusty little Hobo Fiddle, a style of cigar box guitar I created a few years back. It’s a funky little thing, a cross between a ukulele and a guitar, envisioned with the goal of building the sort of instrumen
8th Dec 2022
VIDEO: This Riff Will Help You Sell More Cigar Box Guitars
Want to sell your cigar box guitars? The king of the cigar box guitar Shane Speal shares his sure-fire riff to sell more cigar box guitars with the video lesson in this post. Shane Knows What SellsLet's hand this over to Shane so you can get to the good stuff...
I've been selling cigar box guitars at street fairs and festivals for over twenty years now.
I've learned that it's not enough to just make some guitars and put them on a table.
The fact is, you're fighting for
3rd Jul 2019